
The Title of a Book may be Registered as a Trademark in Israel

In a precedential decision, the District Court of Tel Aviv – Yaffo in Israel has ruled that the title of a book may be registered as a trademark. This is the first time that an Israeli court addressed the issue of the registrability of the name of a literary work as a trademark and established the line between the protection granted by copyrights and trademarks.


Trademark Law in Israel – The BIG DEAL Decision

Trademark law in Israel is strongly influences by the US trademark law and Common Law in general. It is characterized by a very strict examination of trademark applications, both for substantive grounds, such as the descriptive character of a trademark (even stylized) and for relative grounds, such as the existence of an earlier similar trademark.


The true colours of trademarks: Black & White or Coloured?

It is well-known that colours have a significant importance in branding and the perception a consumer will have of a trademark. Colours are commonly used in the most successful brands for improving identification of products with their source, assisting the consumer in making a clear distinction between such products and those of others.


Israel: contentious proceedings between the rival trademark applications “Good Buy! (Device)” (in Hebrew) and “Good Buy” (in Hebrew)

In Israel, when applications for similar trademarks are filed, in relation to similar products or services, contentious proceedings are opened between the rival applications. In such a case, the options are either to file counter-arguments, to try to reach an agreement with the other party or to proceed contentiously so that the Registrar would determine which mark should prevail.